I decided that I'm going to start blogging. Maybe use this to keep in touch with family and friends that arent close to us. Keep them updated with this or just use it to express myself. I really want to do more with photography so I will be posting lots of pictures I'm sure. (No surprise that I'll take lots of pictures if you know me lol). I got a new camera for Christmas. A Canon XSI and I'm loving it!! I have some pictures from Christmas that I'm going to post after I edit them. So I'll be backtracking alittle bit. But I got some really cute ones and we met our niece for the first time! Shes too cute!....So here is my life through my eyes =)
Here is a couple pictures from New Year's! We went to our friends house and brought in the new year with them! Its always a fun time when we get together lol!

Adam bothering Tracy haha
I'm looking forward to 2009. Its a new year and new start. Last year was awesome but also sucked. I married my best friend but we also lost some amazing family members. This year is going to be a better one, I just feel it =)
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