Monday, June 8, 2009

[Another interesting day]

Well this weekend my neck didnt get better is actually got worse!! So first thing this morning I called the doctor to get into his office to have a look. Well he told me he thought it looked like shingles [yes I freaked out alittle lol] and he wanted me to go to a dermatologist. So I got an appt for the afternoon and couldnt go back to work. The derm. ended up saying it wasnt shingles and it just looked like I had a bad allergic reaction or poision ivy. He really didnt give a straight answer lol. But had to get new antibiotic and a cream and we'll see how that goes. I have to be on it for 2 weeks then go back for him to look at it.

This is how I felt about the whole day lol. I am relieved that it was only an allergic reaction though and not shingles!!

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