Well I was sooo lazy this weekend!! I did NOT want to do a thing this weekend. I was so unmotivated lol. Not a good thing when laundry, cleaning and youtube videos need done lol. I'm loading my first one right now and I forgot how long it takes. So I'll prob just get one up tonight if it doesnt get done too late. Right now it looks like its still over 70 min sooo I prob wont stay up because I'm pretty tired now but you never know but the rest will def go up tomorrow once I get off work! I'm working on editing the scrapbook room tour now so it will be ready to go for tomorrow and the other ones shouldnt need edited so can get those up :) So for now I'll just leave ya with some pictures from Memorial Day weekend and our 2 year wedding anniversary ♥
Adam hates taking pictures lol and is always messing with me when I try to take pictures as you can see lol..
So Happy we're going to be a Mommy & Daddy :)
Nikki & Ash singing lol...
Waiting on our food :)
My cutie Hubby ;)
omg this is such a fun post!!! love all the pictures!! :)
Love the pictures Tara! Adam is looking so serious in the 2...
Your hubby looks like mine in pictures! Too funny! Happy Anniversary!
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